MRO Magazine

Acrow’s modular steel truss system supports rehabilitation of bridge in Québec

May 4, 2023 | By MRO staff

Photo: Acrow.

Photo: Acrow.

Acrow, an international bridge engineering and supply company, noted a steel truss system it designed was used to provide support to Pont Perrault during the project to rehabilitate the historic covered bridge in Québec. Although it had been many years since the bridge carried vehicular traffic, it was closed to pedestrians and cyclists in 2018 after damage to timber components was discovered.

Pont Perrault opened to traffic in 1929 and spans the Chaudiere River in the parish municipality of Notre-Dame-des-Pins. At 150.9 metres long, it is the longest covered bridge in the province.

After delays due to sharp increases in the cost of building materials during the pandemic, the project began in May 2022 and was completed in November 2022. The repair work enabled the reopening of Pont Perrault for year-round use by pedestrians and cyclists.

“Acrow’s modular steel system was the perfect solution for this unique project,” said Benoit Forget, regional director, Québec and New Brunswick, Acrow Canada. “Like all Acrow products, our rugged support systems are completely customizable and can be engineered for the most complex applications.”


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