MRO Magazine

Cleantech startup secures $5.8 million investment to decarbonize food supply chains

June 5, 2024 | By MRO Staff

Quebec-based startup Relocalize closed its $5.8 million seed funding round for the second time, raising $1 million more in capital than originally anticipated.

The company deploys microfactories at grocery distribution centres to produce food and beverages hyper-locally, eliminating 100 per cent of middle-mile transportation and decreasing supply chain risk, they said in a press release.

The investment, spearheaded by Desjardins Capital, will be used to accelerate the development and deployment of Relocalize’s technology platform and deploy full-scale microfactories in Canada and the United States, they said in their statement.

“Bringing on a capital partner like Desjardins Capital at the seed stage gives our vision for a truck-free future for manufactured foods a huge boost,” said D. Wayne McIntyre, CEO of Relocalize, in a media release. “We’ll be moving quickly to scale up deployments of our first-to-world micro-factories with grocery retailers.”



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