MRO Magazine

Protein Industries Canada aiming to expand usage of Canadian lupin

June 5, 2024 | By MRO Staff

Protein Industries Canada is partnering with Lupin Platform, PURIS Holdings and YOSO Canada to expand the Canadian lupin ecosystem by increasing opportunities for farmers and ingredient processors and bringing new plant-based protein products to market.

The project will see $6.2 million co-invested into the expansion of the lupin value chain to establish the crop as a viable and economically sound choice for Canadian farmers, the organization said in a press release.

Protein Industries Canada will invest $2.6 million, with the partners investing the remainder, to help increase ingredient processors’ access to alternative feedstocks, and supply consumers and manufacturers with new plant-based protein sources, they said in their statement.

Lupin Platform and PURIS will build off their work from a previous Protein Industries Canada supported project, incorporating YOSO to develop, scale up and improve new and existing CPG products and ingredients.

These include plant-based egg and dairy products, flour and flour-based bakery mixes, and a B2B ready-to-mix powder.


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